Stretch marks removal

This treatment quickly and noticeably improves stretch marks on the thighs,buttocks, tummy and chest.It also works on both new and older visible scars.

What kind of procedure, what are its advantages?

Removal of skin stretch marks is a popular procedure, which can be needed arise at any age. Stretch marks are formed when collagen and elastin fibers break, which occurs due to the rapid increase in body volume. The second important reason for the appearance of this problem is hormonal disorders, which result in increased production of cortisol and estrogen.

The most effective stretch marks removal methods are Fractional resurfacing ResurFX, CO2 laser AcuPulse, TriFractional resurfacing on Legend Pro+.

1) Fractional resurfacing ResurFX is an optimal method that gently removes stretch marks, it is also used on large areas on the chest, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, stimulating collagen production, without a long rehabilitation, but it will take 3-4 treatments and cannot be used on tanned skin.

2) CO2 laser AcuPulse is a more aggressive method, it helps well with white old stretch marks, but with a longer rehabilitation of 7-10 days, it can’t be used on tanned skin. It will take 1-3 procedures. The method occupies a leading position in the world rankings of laser equipment and is actively used in the field of aesthetic dermatology.

3) The TriFractional resurfacing on Legend Pro+ method works well on fresh stretch marks, also well good for delicate areas like the chest. Requires almost no rehabilitation, can be performed at any time of the year and on swarthy and tanned skin. After the procedure, the launched rejuvenation process (increased collagen synthesis, strengthened capillaries, stabilized fat metabolism) intensifies, reaching its maximum effect in a month, when we notice an excellent result without surgical intervention.

General advantages of all methods:

1) Fast recovery. You can return to your normal life immediately after the procedure.
2) Efficiency. Effective disposal of even pronounced stretch marks and old stretch marks.
3) No complications. The occurrence of burns and age spots after the procedure are minimized.
4) Painlessness. The stretch mark removal procedure requires only local anesthesia.

What problems does it solve (testimony)?

  • Red stretch marks are so-called “fresh” scars that often occur during pregnancy.
  • White stretch marks are older, thin, ivory-colored scars that require a longer course of laser therapy.

How is the procedure going?

1) The M22 ResurFX multifunctional platform module is equipped with a fiber-optic laser and a contact cooling system. The ResurFX module base on the principle of fractional photothermolysis. An ultra-thin laser beam penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, destroying the fibers that make up the scars, and at the same time exerting a thermal effect on them. In place of stretch marks, new collagen cells restore, which renew the skin literally from the inside. As a result, even old pale stretch marks fill with new fibers and, as a result, disappear.

2) Ablative laser resurfacing CO2 laser AcuPulse is the removal of dead skin layers by evaporation through microscopic holes burned by a laser in the skin. Such a “shake-up” forces the body to use reserves to start the processes of regeneration of skin cells and stimulate the production of collagen. Increased local blood flow contributes to the supply of tissue substance with nutrition and oxygen in large quantities, which affects cellular metabolism.

The principle of operation of the procedure is based on the fact that the laser beam penetrates into the upper layers of the skin. If the defects are very serious, the physician works more deeply, affecting the deeper layers of the dermis. This procedure is more complicated. If the defects are not so significant, laser resurfacing is more superficial. The high temperature of the laser starts the process of evaporation of the surface layers of the dermis, resulting in the removal of scars and stretch marks. As a result, stretch marks are smoothed out, compared in color with the main tone. The scar tissue is leveled, the tension of intact skin is reduced. The surface of the scar polish, the elasticity and firmness of the surrounding tissues increase.

3) The TriFractional is a ‘best in class’ RF resurfacing technology that delivers controlled ablation to the epidermis in a manner that ensures the least pain and recovery time. The uniquely built tip delivers RF through the pins, removing pinpoint-sized epidermal spots, penetrating 0.2 mm deep. This creates micro-wounds, which trigger the body’s natural healing mechanism, inducing skin rejuvenation and texture improvement. Due to their unique cone shape and RF ablation mode, the pins slide into the epidermis, renewing a wide surface area, thus providing safe and effective skin resurfacing, with minimal discomfort and pain.

During a TriFractional Skin Resurfacing treatment, you may feel a brief prickly sensation as the energy emit. Following treatment, the treated area may feel warm and have slight redness or swelling for a brief time. Stretch marks wipe with chlorhexidine and panthenol cream is applied.

What are the results of the procedure?

Removal of stretch marks with a laser allows you to notice clear results when comparing the skin before and after at the end of therapy:

  • The color and depth of the stretch marks become less expresses after the first session
  • Smooth relief
  • Uniform natural skin tone
  • Maximum smoothing of stretch marks
  • Consolidation and tone of the skin at the site of treatment.

When will I see the results?

Already after the first session, you may begin to notice improvement. Typically, 2-4 sessions in 2-6 weeks intervals are needed to obtain optimal results. However, you may continue to see improvements for up to six months following the treatment.


  • Oncology
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Psoriasis
  • Taking isotretinoin 6 months before the session
  • Tendency to keloid scars
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute phase
  • Blood clotting problems (or taking anticoagulants)
  • Diabetes

Photos Before and After

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