Hair loss treatment ResurHair

ResurHair does not only restore hair, but also strengthen and accelerate its growth. The treatment is non-invasive, safe and highly effective.

You can see the results already after the first treatment!

  • Improved nutrition of hair follicles
  • Reduced hair loss
  • Stimulates new hair growth
  • Hair start to grow significantly faster
  • Normalizes lipid balance of the scalp
  • In general, the hair becomes stronger, thicker and healthier

ResurHair is performed on high-tech platform Lumenis M22 – which is a worldwide leader in aesthetic medicine.

How many treatments do I need?

It is necessary to conduct a course of treatment for a full and sustained effect. On average, it is 5-8 sessions, once every 3-4 weeks. The program with the necessary number of treatments is formed by the doctor individually for each patient.All laser treatments are performed by high qualified doctors.

Photos Before and After

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  • * Does not apply to medical consultation and ongoing special offer